11 FEB / 20:00

To mark the launch of A Pixellated Crust of White Noise, Laura has invited two shop mannequins to participate in an in-conversation event on Instagram live.
A Pixellated Crust of White Noise is 30 mins in duration and is performed live by Laura Yuile and Alex Frost
Speaking from their respective windows of shops that are now sitting closed, Female Mannequin 1 and Female Mannequin 2 will discuss the ongoing demise of the British high street and possible strategies for transforming it. They will give an insight into their role as the original offline influencers and share their perspective on how we might slow down or hack the cycles of fast fashion, planned obsolescence and waste that often feel unavoidable.
A Pixellated Crust of White Noise brings together materials from the research and production of Laura’s solo show Heavy View which was presented at TACO! in 2019. The book includes exhibition documentation and a text stemming from the ideas that the work explored around the relationship between architectural and technological obsolescence, and how the life cycle of things and spaces, are framed by motives of profit and impact upon our bodies and communities.
A Pixellated Crust of White Noise is available to buy from the TACO! bookshop.
Laura Yuile is an artist from Glasgow and based in London. She has exhibited internationally at venues including; Science Gallery (London); TACO! (London); nGbK (Berlin); Belvedere 21 (Vienna); Apexart (New York); Blackwood Gallery (Toronto); t-space (Milan) and Recent Activity (Birmingham). She has undertaken residencies with The Art House (Wakefield); ZK/U (Berlin); Temporary Art Platform (Beirut); and IOAM (Beijing) and was an Associate Artist with Open School East in 2015. Alongside her gallery-based work, she has initiated a number of projects that intervene with the everyday, commercial spaces that her work is engaged with, including her ongoing podcast series ASSET ARREST, that takes a critical approach to financialised housing. She is currently showing work as part of Rendering Refusal for Transmediale festival, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin.