Empty Void Orchestra starts as a container for ideas, for a spell or a gathering. Remembered as a tribute to a place and a time, experienced as a score or a reading.
The Empty Void Orchestra is an open invitation to take part in shared listening and performance. To exchange and contribute (or not) to an experimental orchestra using song, impromptu instrumentals, an adhoc performance against video backdrops.
Please join us for an evening of expansive experimental karaoke! Pick up an instrument and play with abandon! Sing to words of your favourite song! Dance like you mean it! Jump on the spot! Be a famous Pop Star! Mime along badly! Shout in too the void! Or sit, listen and cheer whilst others perform.
The Empty Void Orchestra has been conceived and developed by artists participating in Syllabus*. A free event with a paid bar and food, it is open to all to join and take part in.
Instruments and sound makers, materials to make your own instrument available- or bring your own!
Sake cocktails served for those who need courage. Mocktails served to those who dont.
*Syllabus is an alternative learning programme that gives time to come together for artists from across the UK to discuss ideas, work, life and approaches to practice. It is supported by a network of arts organisaitons from across the UK including Wysing Arts Centre, Eastside Projects, New Art Exchange, PS2, Spike Island, Studio Voltaire, and TACO!
Artists participating in Syllabus VII include Omid Asadi, Maggie Campbell, Katrina Cobain, Sophie Gresswell, Sahjan Kooner, Yoojin Lee, Natasha MacVoy, Michael., Alexis Parinas, Moira Salt.
The Empty Void Orchestra is an open invitation to take part in shared listening and performance. To exchange and contribute (or not) to an experimental orchestra using song, impromptu instrumentals, an adhoc performance against video backdrops.
Please join us for an evening of expansive experimental karaoke! Pick up an instrument and play with abandon! Sing to words of your favourite song! Dance like you mean it! Jump on the spot! Be a famous Pop Star! Mime along badly! Shout in too the void! Or sit, listen and cheer whilst others perform.
The Empty Void Orchestra has been conceived and developed by artists participating in Syllabus*. A free event with a paid bar and food, it is open to all to join and take part in.
Instruments and sound makers, materials to make your own instrument available- or bring your own!
Sake cocktails served for those who need courage. Mocktails served to those who dont.
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*Syllabus is an alternative learning programme that gives time to come together for artists from across the UK to discuss ideas, work, life and approaches to practice. It is supported by a network of arts organisaitons from across the UK including Wysing Arts Centre, Eastside Projects, New Art Exchange, PS2, Spike Island, Studio Voltaire, and TACO!
Artists participating in Syllabus VII include Omid Asadi, Maggie Campbell, Katrina Cobain, Sophie Gresswell, Sahjan Kooner, Yoojin Lee, Natasha MacVoy, Michael., Alexis Parinas, Moira Salt.