To close Kate Carr’s exhibition-Under Construction, a day long screening of Patrick Keiller’s London will be projected through and over Carr’s sound installation. Sculptural elements and Carr’s sound composition will be juxtaposed and layered with this classic British psychogeography film: sound, narration and images producing moments of synchronicity,
slippages and new relationships.
London chronicles a year in the life of the city through the eyes of Keiller's imaginary protagonist, Robinson, and an unnamed and unseen narrator who is voiced by Paul Scofield. Situated in 1992, the fourth successive Tory election victory returns to power a government that has inflicted austerity on the population and cut public services. IRA bombs continue to kill and destroy. Obsessed with late-nineteenth century French poets Arthur Rimbaud and Charles Baudelaire Robinson imagines London to be a series of monuments to these wandering Flanéur writers and their adventures.
London has a running time of 85mins, the film will be screened throughout the day with the following approximate start and end times:-
12:00 - 13:25
13:40 – 15:05
15:20 – 16:45
17:00 – 18:25